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A brand marketing agency- Savior for hard selling ads

Brand marketing agency
July 28, 2021 admin

How many of you all have countered with dodge pushy salespeople as you make your way to the college or office in the morning? I am sure almost everyone would have to witness this every day. But does everyone like to strike a conversation with a stranger? The answer here is no. While many people enjoy the babbling of salespeople, some just turn their heads around or change their way. Likewise to avoid this ignorance by the audience consult a brand marketing agency that looks after all your branding needs.


Similarly, in this digital world, no one likes if their social media platform is full of brands who are hard-selling their products and bombarding them with pushy ads. If an individual is following your brand page on the digital platform make sure you retain their interest. Bombarding them with all those hard-selling ads will make them lose interest in your products as well as your brand.


Time has changed but you will still find hard-selling very much alive in B2B & B2C sectors. But is this an ideal way to sell? The brand marketing agency finds this to be a very narrow approach.


The most important thing for a marketing agency is to understand and study the behavior of the audience that they are handling. Proper research about- Which content do they lean on the most? What grabs their attention? Which are the type of content pieces they engage the most? These are the questions whose answers an agency has to discover.


For few years the brands are coming up with the branded content in video form wherein they don’t sell or hard sell their products, but they are spreading awareness or creating such content pieces which neither include the product nor any of their services. It is purely created for the awareness or top-of-the-mind recall of the brand.


The agency intelligently dwells in with a very strong message creating awareness and they later disclose for which brand is this branding campaign created for.


Down the line, there were a few out-of-the-world branding campaigns created by the most amazing brand marketing agency which are imprinted in our minds and heart for the longest time. Let us hark back to these branding campaigns where the brands created a difference without mentioning or hard selling any of their products.


  1. NIKE

The globally well-known sportswear giant is on top of its game right now gaining huge success which is no more a surprise. Each of Nike’s campaigns tells a different story and takes the audience on another journey.

Nike doesn’t limit itself to just selling their products, they sell emotions, they sell aspirations instead.

Here is one of the most famous campaigns of Nike: WHAT ARE GIRLS MADE OF?

#BelieveInMore #JustDoIt




Being the household name in the oral hygiene industry, Colgate has high brand visibility and recall. This is another smart brand that creates its campaigns in the form of awareness and without mentioning the products they always succeed in the minds of people.

One of its recent and well-known campaigns of ‘Smile Always finds a Way’ and ‘Smile Karo Aur Shuru Hojao’ depicts how cleverly they lodge on people’s minds.



  1. Procter & Gamble (P & G)

While the company continues to innovate around its products, it is also looking to differentiate itself using high-profile marketing campaigns linked to social issues without revealing any of these products.

‘Thank you, Mom’ is an example of one such campaign whereby they strongly motivated the mothers of the world. Here is a quick peek into the campaign.


Looking at these examples one thing is crystal clear that although these brands don’t showcase much of their products in their advertising, they are still the top players in their respective sectors. Their brand marketing agency has completely matched the brand’s wave-length and conceptualised the campaigns creating aspirational, motivational as well as emotional value. This resulted in setting a benchmark for its competitors as well as other growing brands.

In our opinion, it is not always necessary to not sell your products but it is important for you to leave it up to the brand marketing agency how they come up with diversified brand building activities. We do not recommend to not perform the sales activity, but when a person lands on your page make sure you do not disappoint them with hard selling. For any brand, it is possible to build stories around their brand or around their core values and make it appealing. In small ways as well it is very much possible for your brand to build communications.

It is important to advertise your products for awareness but continuously hard-selling them will not only suffocate the audience but also make them lose interest in your brand. It will prove to be monotonous on the brand’s part which I am sure no brand wants to create this kind of impression in the minds of the audience.

Brands should give a space of freedom to the agency into creating content where hard selling is not portrayed. The brand marketing agency must be given elevating options to manifest their creativity and trust me you will witness some amazing outputs. Towards the conclusion I believe that hard selling will not only kill the base of the brand but it will withdraw the real essence of it.

Digital Marketing, Marketing
