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Annoying things the designer hears in a Graphic Designing Agency

Graphic Designing agency
July 28, 2021 admin

The most important thing a designer requires is patience. Being in a graphic designing agency it is undeniable that they will be pounded with many redo. And hence as a human, it is natural to get annoyed, frustrated and, there comes a time where they may even lose their temper. So looking at a wider picture here, being patient is the key.

It is very important to give the designers their creative freedom. But clients always love to bombard the designers of their designing agency with their idea which may sometimes end up in a poor result.

The only thing which the designers aren’t allocated with is sufficient time. They are always in a haste for the completion of the work.


Well. Well, Well!!!

If you are curious to know what are the annoying things that the designers get to hear in an agency, then my dear you are landed on the right page.

I have gathered some first-hand insights from all those annoyed and hard-working designers of the graphic designing agency.


  1. This is so simple to execute.

If it is so simple to make why you don’t execute it yourself? I am pretty sure this is the first line every agency’s designer would say, well of course in their mind.


  1. Do this all over again, it doesn’t feel right.

You don’t feel right? After matching up with all your requirements is this what I get to hear?


  1. The brief has changed, start making a fresh design for the other brief.

In this situation, it is best just to curse your decision of being a designer as in a graphic designing agency you will get to hear this a million times from various clients.


  1. This has to be completed by evening.

When you have such kind of pressure while designing, you are bound to make errors and you will surely be gifted with several redo.


  1. You are taking so much time to make a tiny logo.

This is the last thing that a designer would hear while they are spending nights making that “Tiny Logo”. They wish it was as simple as the client thinks it was.


  1. I like the design but can you change the colour?

In a graphic designing agency, you make sure that the brief is understood clearly and you deliver it as per the brief. But when they modify the brief after the final draft, this is the time where you will be annoyed the most.


  1. Can you make it stand out, jazz it up a bit?

After not giving the creative freedom of making the design if the designer follows the brief exactly how he has been told to do, in the end, this is the kind of feedback that he gets from the client. Why didn’t you let me do it on my own in the first place? Why?



Regardless of all these points, we cannot deny the fact that the client is the king, and as it is their brand they know it all and that has every right to share their thoughts. But we being a graphic designing agency, need to trust our experience and know the fact that we are a team of professionals and if they will continuously ask for variations in the drafts the result may suffer.

It has also been observed that the clients sometimes feel that certain work can be done by themselves or by some of their relatives. But they need to understand that inexperienced hands don’t stand out over the experienced ones and as a result, it will prove to be a big drawback in the final output.

After writing this article I am sure I am going to get loads of blessings from all those designers out there and of course some curses from the clients as well.



Creative, Designing
