How many of you actually visit and check the product online before making the purchase? I am quite certain that people wouldn’t take so many efforts for the product research. So what includes in their decision making for the product purchase? Yes, you guessed it right. It is the packaging design. The one that you rip it off and throw away in your bins. But do you realize that how much hard work and creativity a packaging design agency puts behind the making?
The process for creating a great packaging design starts with understanding the layers, then choosing the right type of packaging according to the product, to lining up your printer. The process doesn’t end here. A package designing agency also evaluates the design, collects feedback from its team as well the client and finally gets the right files.
Before one begins with designing the package of a product, one must have the answers to certain questions.
What is the product?
Who is buying the product?
How are the people buying the product?
Getting answers to these will aid in making a better package for your product. And if you are still thinking over the answers, then probably you need to sit back and research until you are ready.
Being a designing agency we have gathered our most insightful tips and advice to make your job easy.
- Attractive Packaging
On a shelf of a departmental store among 10 different brands what makes you choose a product? Your research? Well, it is the attraction of the colour, the way it is packed, the brand, its overall look, etc. Such is the power of packaging that it ultimately makes a customer buy the product. A packaging design agency expert states that ‘Eye-catching packaging always grabs people’s attention.
- Artistic Touch
When does a product or a brand stand out? It stands out only when it has a unique element that the other brand doesn’t have. A packaging must consist of an artistic touch which creates a need among the customers to make the purchase.
- Be Consistent
People are comfortable with the purchase of a product with a brand they are familiar with. We all love looking at different packaging designs but does that mean you keep changing them? Every brand has its unique identity which they carry in the form of colour, font, typography, shape, etc. Before starting make sure you look into the client’s brand book and design the packaging accordingly. It is the responsibility of an agency to look into these minute details and keep up with consistency.
- Do not confuse your Customers
It is advisable to not keep your customer guessing what’s inside the package. Make sure it is simple for them to recognize looking at the name or the image on the package. Also, a packaging design agency suggests seeing whether the images used, looks good in 3D as well. A picture that looks good in 2D doesn’t always look good in 3D.
- Plan your Budget
While you are making a packaging design, think about how much budget is allocated to it. Do not overdo anything out of the budget. Your 3D Visualization, material cost, packer salaries, unit per cost all these details have to be taken into consideration while the making.
- Safe Packaging
Your design and material used for the package must such that it builds confidence in buyer’s mind when they make the purchase. From the time it is in the factory to the time it reaches your customer’s place the packaging should be intact. The product inside must be safe enough to use or consume later.
- Display Honesty
The foremost thing that a package must show is honesty. The packaging design agency takes utmost care into it but there are some brands who themselves ask the agency to show false claims. Both clients and designers often strive to depict the product in the most tempting way. (Especially in the F&B segment) They will show the supporting materials while in reality, it is just 1 product in the package. This practice shall be avoided to show transparency of the brand as well as the product.
These are the steps that a designer must keep in mind and follow to make the packaging shine on the shelf. If you are a fresher, make sure you follow a packaging design agency of how amazingly they put across their creativity in creating some mesmerizing packaging.